December 22, 2005


Taken at Woburn Safari Park this summer whilst on a day out with the family.

Location: Woburn Safari Park. July 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Sensitivity: ISO 80
Shutter Speed: 1/800th
Aperture: f5.2

December 19, 2005

Borough Market food

Something a bit different. Here's a tile of 4 images I took at Borough Market in London a few months ago. I was disappointed with the most of the images I took - I arrived a lot later than I planned and the place was crammed with people. I'll revisit it some day and get there at dawn ti capture the scenes I was really after.

Location: Borough Market, London. August 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Exposure: Various

December 18, 2005

Stockers Lake
Yet another shot from the series I took in the nature reserve a couple of weeks ago. It's all a bit samey I know, but I'm a bit low on new material at the moment and it was a beautiful evening! :)

Location: Stockers Lake, Hertforshire. December 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Sensitivity: ISO 80
Shutter Speed: 1/800th
Aperture: f5.2

December 17, 2005

Another sunset
Another from the series of shots I took a couple of weekends ago. I have one or two others to post from this outing and then I'll move onto something different.

I plan to start the new year by launching the big changes that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I've finished all the development preparation work - just need to gather some compelling imagery and I'll be good to go!

Location: Stockers Lake, Hertforshire. December 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Sensitivity: ISO 80
Shutter Speed: 1/500th
Aperture: f4

December 12, 2005

Setting Sun
I was at the lake shooting the swans taking off and landing on the water (without much success unfortunately) as this lovely sunset began to take place.

Location: Stockers Lake, Hertforshire. December 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Sensitivity: ISO 80
Shutter Speed: 1/1300th
Aperture: f7

December 09, 2005

Birds on water
Shot at dusk last weekend in the nearby wildfowl reserve.

Location: Stockers Lake, Hertforshire. December 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Sensitivity: ISO 80
Shutter Speed: 1/1000th
Aperture: f4.6

December 08, 2005

Lower Manhattan skyline
Another one - this time taken somewhere inbetween Hoboken and Jersey City as I was walking back from the office to my hotel. I've desaturated the image a bit and applied some contrast correction. I like the way the colouring in the buildings came out - it has a urban tonal quality to me.

I'm still surprised how decent some of IXUS images look. It was a great little compact!

Location: New Jersey, USA. July 2004
Camera: Canon IXUS II
Sensitivity: ISO 100
Shutter Speed: 1/500th
Aperture: f3.9

December 07, 2005

The big freeze
This was taken on Boxing Day last year. It was just cold enough for the lake to freeze over. If the meterologists are on the money this year, I guess we'll be skating on it soon! :-/

Location: Stockers Nature Reserve, Hertforshire. December 2004
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Sensitivity: ISO 150
Shutter Speed: 1/125th
Aperture: f4

December 06, 2005

Cornish rowing boat
Taken in Port Isaac harbour a few years ago. I love this beautiful little village - one of my favourite places. Cornwall is my spiritual home - I have lots of warm memories right back to my childhood holidays there. It's a shame I've not been in a while...maybe next year.

: Port Isaac, Cornwall. Autumn 2002
Camera: Canon EOS 500N, Fujicolor 400
Scanned: Canon Canoscan 4200F from negative
No exposure settings recorded.

December 05, 2005

Red Sea Jetty
A 35mm scan for today. A small wooden jetty running out into the Red Sea at Taba, Egypt. During the day, this pier is busy with hotel guests preparing for a snorkelling expedition around the coral reef. By dusk, it was perfect for a peaceful walk along before dinner. In the hazy distance are the coastline mountains of Saudi Arabia.

Location: Taba, Eygpt. Summer 2003
Camera: Canon EOS 500N, Fujicolor 100
Scanned: Canon Canoscan 4200F from negative
No exposure settings recorded.

December 04, 2005

Rockafella water feature
One of the water features around the plaza at the foot of the Rockafella tower. I liked the shimmery property of the wall - it fits well in with it's surroundings (i.e. gilded everything!).

Location: Rockafella Plaza, 5th Ave, New York. July 2004
Camera: Canon IXUS II
Sensitivity: ISO 100
Shutter Speed: 1/160th
Aperture: f9

December 03, 2005

Silhouetted tree
I captured this early one Saturday morning a few weeks ago. The tree stands on the brow of a gentle rise in the park and provided a striking outline set against the bright morning sky.

Location: Cassiobury Park, Hertfordshire, UK. November 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Metering: Spot metered
Sensitivity: ISO 200
Shutter Speed: 1/50th
Aperture: f2.8
Focal Length: 14mm

December 02, 2005

Lunch break on the girder
As I walked uptown from Battery Park, I came across this art installation parked on the side of the road. I even managed to time it so I got a NY cab in the frame too - pretty much pot luck with the shutter delay on the IXUS II! :)

Location: Downtown New York, USA. July 2004
Camera: Canon IXUS II
Sensitivity: ISO 100
Shutter Speed: 1/160th
Aperture: f9

December 01, 2005

Water reflections
Another shot from last winter, taken at the nearby nature reserve. This one was post processed to b&w using a red filter.

Location: Stockers Lake, Hertfordshire. December 2004
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Sensitivity: ISO 80
Shutter Speed: 1/200th
Aperture: f4