March 22, 2002

I loved this from the Gardian Round-Up this morning:

In a box marked "Westminster Bond" and bearing a picture of the Houses of Parliament, researchers believe they have found the gunpowder that Guy Fawkes intended to use to blow up that very building in 1605. The box was found in the basement of the British Library while archivists were sorting though the possessions of John Evelyn, a 17th century diarist. Evelyn had left a note in the box: "Powder with which that villain Faux would have blown up the parliament."

Can you imagine rumaging around in the cellars of London and stumbling across boxes of Guy Fawkes' gunpowder?! Just think - people actually get paid for that kinda thing. I need a career change!!

March 12, 2002

Well, I'm back. Sort of. The last few weeks have been really hectic for me and, I'm sorry to say, I completely neglected my blog. I'll make a few posts this evening to bring myself up to date, and then hopefully I'll be back to my daily(ish) routine.

So, what's been going on? Well, I've started back to work in the last couple of weeks after almost 6 months off sick. I have two prolapsed discs in my lower spine. I had my first operation to correct the problem back in October - but that wasn't a success. I've been through 3 months of physiotherapy, but that didn't cure me either. The next step was a much more invassive operation to remove the problematic discs but I've decided not to go ahead with it. Too risky. My surgeon gave me the odds of nasty side affects (like permenant dunbness in the legs) and I reached for the door.

Anyway, the upshot is I'm working from home for the time being...easing my way back into things whilst I undergo further treatment. I can't believe how hard it is catching up. I've spent the last 6 weeks doing lots of work-type stuff in preparation of 'coming back', but it doesn't feel like it's really helped me a great deal. Great! :o/

More soon...