{Ed} It's time for a change of style! I was beginning to find the green a little heavy and the round edged graphics made it a pain to widen. So welcome to the new look, "Mr Moto Rising", courtesy of Jeff Zeldman (plus a little tweaking of my own of course :)Oxford Street Festival
I was shopping in central London when I happened across a festival to encourage shoppers back after the July terror attacks. Thankfully I had my camera in my rucksack, so I abandoned my shopping plans and spent the rest of the morning walking up and down the street looking for opportunities. As things started to get really crowded, I spotted this guy stood in the middle of Oxford Circus, clearly looking for his companion, occasionally talking on his phone.
The image was processed using channel controls in "Convert To B&W Pro" in PhotoShop CS2 and an effect filter applied to give the grain texture.

Oxford Circus, London, UK. October 1, 2005
Panasonic FZ20, ISO 80
1/100 @ f3.2, 33mm
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