I picked a few leaves up off the ground whilst wondering around a garden centre at the weekend. I decided that I would try some closeup work using my make-shift studio area at home. I have no studio lighting equipment (yet) and there was insufficient daylight left to adequately light the scene, so I used a couple of halogen spot lamps with home-made diffusers attached. I knocked the camera out of auto white balance mode and played around with the setting until I was happy with the colour reproduction under the halogen light, then rolled off several auto-bracketed frames at various exposures.
I have a few variations on this theme that I will post later this week.

Location: Home, UK. November 15, 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20, Manfrotto 190 tripod
Metering: Spot metered
Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority
Sensitivity: ISO 80
Shutter Speed: 1/13th
Aperture: f2.8
Focal Length: 15mm
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