Location: Woburn Safari Park. July 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20
Sensitivity: ISO 80
Shutter Speed: 1/800th
Aperture: f5.2
n. The everyday visual language spoken by me as distinguished from my literary tongue
"The landscape painter who does not make skies a very material part of his composition, neglects to avail himself to one of his greatest aids. It will be difficult to name a class of landscape in which the sky is not the key note, the standard of scale and the chief organ of sentiment"This shot is noteworthy to me because it was taken on a weekend when I was trying to "master" the spot metering capabilities of the camera. I made a lot of bad exposures but, of course, you don't learn without the mistakes! This one was pleasing to me because I felt it began to explore and convey some of the emotion that Constable was refering to.
{Ed} It's time for a change of style! I was beginning to find the green a little heavy and the round edged graphics made it a pain to widen. So welcome to the new look, "Mr Moto Rising", courtesy of Jeff Zeldman (plus a little tweaking of my own of course :)Oxford Street Festival