February 18, 2002

I watched my latest dvd purchase, Thirteen Days last night. I've been looking forward to getting this disc for a few months, having heard good things about it in reviews and unfortunately missing it's theatrical release in the UK. On the whole I thought this was a very good movie, intelligently told with strong performances from all members of the cast. It was interesting to watch a movie about the JFK administration, told from a perspective other than Kennedy himself. Kevin O'Donnell (played by Costner) is the president's close political advisor and it is through his eyes that we see the terrifying events of the Cuban Missle Crisis unfold. Obviously, this is a Hollywood production and therefore the facts have almost certainly been glossed over and characters softened (or made more heroic) than their real life counterparts. OK, so you have to forgive the film that much. But still, they managed to bring the human element of the story through very clearly.

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