November 21, 2005

Mistakes that work...kinda!?
This weekend brought great opportunities for some early winter photography (at least, in the London area) with fairly heavy frosts and bright clear skies both days. I felt the start of flu symptoms on Saturday morning (boo hoo), so missed out on making the most of the favourable conditions. However, I did venture into my garden for a short time on Sunday afternoon and captured this.

Stupidly, I had left the camera on "incandescent" white balance, which left this shot with it's heavy blue/green hue. I corrected this out in Photoshop but, on comparing the two, I decided I liked the atmosphere the hue gave the scene, so I left it in it's original form for today's post. Not everyone would agree, I'm sure but - hey - it's my blog! :)

Location: Garden, November 2005
Camera: Panasonic FZ20, tripod mounted
Sensitivity: ISO 80
White Balance: incandescant
Shutter Speed: 1/4th
Aperture: f2.8
Focal Length: 6mm


Anonymous said...

I really like this image, well done.

Tim said...

Dear anonymous,
Thanks very much for the comment - I really appreciate all the feedback I get. I'm still a novice at this, so it's nice to get any encouragement :)