October 25, 2005

Stockers Lake Nature Reserve
I'm really lucky to live so close to this beautiful Hertfordshire nature reserve. It's home to the second largest heronry in the UK and is always a tranquil and calming place to walk around. It's a shame I'm not more into ornithology - there are many rare species living amongst the trees surrounding the lake.

I'm concerned over how much noise is in this picture (particularly the original) - probably caused by the Panasonic sensor's inherent noise problems at low light/high ISO. My settings seem a bit odd to me - can't remember why I set ISO 200 and a +0.7EV compensation, when the camera was well supported! I probably forgot to reset it from an earlier exposure.

Stockers Lake, Hertfordshire, UK. September 25, 2005
Panasonic FZ20, ISO 200, +0.7EV exposure compensation
1/200 @ f4, 6mm, beanbag support

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